Friday, November 17, 2006

Random rants

what's pissing me off right now......... Current mood: cranky

Lucky for anyone reading this, not a whole lot is pissing me off right this minute, however; these are the things that are (in no particular order):

That we have not yet impeached the president.

That the hippies of the 60's, who were so set on making and keeping our government honest, grew up, abandoned us, and now spend all their time chasing the almighty dollar.
Thanks for the apathy, folks. What a fine mess you've gotten us into.

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

People who don't recycle. Really, would it kill you?

The ridiculous state of Social Security and Medicare.

The idiots who want to outlaw abortion.

The F-ing freaks who make weird laws about sexual preference and the things that people do privately in their own homes. I mean, SERIOUSLY, what kind of pervert wakes up in the morning thinking that we should outlaw that kind of stuff?

OH, now I know: The religious zealots who secretly practice what they preach against!! How very, very Christian of them.


Mark Thomas said...

Now, I won't claim necessarily to agree with your analysis of bush, but the main reason that he hasn't been (and will not be) impeached is that then Dick Cheney would be the president... I think Reid makes this clear in
this article. I think you well may agree with him :)

Pax Universitas

two crows said...

agreed. agreed. agreed, uncensored.

being an aging hippie myself [and knowing a fair number of others, I don't share that particular rant.]
but, back before my neighborhood had curbside recycling, I'd be sitting in my front yard sorting aluminum, cardboard and glass and people would actually walk past and BRAG about not recycling!
I REALLY wanted to ask them to just step off the planet if they weren't willing to do that one little thing. >:-(
and, I'm sick of Bush's red-herring about Social Security. it's not in NEARLY the trouble Medicaid and Medicare are. let's fix those 1st, please???
the reason Bush isn't working to fix those now is that they'll collapse without his help. Social Security will survive another 40 years unless he actively sabotages it. and he WANTS it to die!
my view on abortion:
if you're against it---DON'T HAVE ONE!
but don't visit YOUR narrow views on MY body.

similarly-- in regards to stem-cell research:
we're throwing away tens of thousands of fertilized eggs every week.
HOW is it more respectful of human life to throw those eggs away than to use them to help others?
and the folks who are 'protecting marriage.'
oh please---
marriage has been around for at least 8000 years. it's not in need of saving.

'protecting marriage' is a euphamism for defending bigotry.
which is one of the reasons I'm no longer a practicing Christian. the hypocrisy finally sent me into a frenzy of dry heaves.

hang in there--you're truly not alone--tho I know it feels like it sometimes.