Thursday, November 02, 2006

Politics where have all the hippies gone?

Well, the idealists of the 60's and 70's abandoned the task of creating a Utopian

society after they were seduced by money-making in the Reagan era.

Now these same people are the one's we keep electing and re-electing into offices

where we allow them to continue trampling on the poor and middle-class while they

continue to distance themselves in class and ideology from the exact people they are

supposed to represent.

I'm getting sicker just thinking about it.

1 comment:

two crows said...

oh, please don't give up.
unfortunately, very few of us either run for office or have a whole lot of money to give to cure society's ills.
we ARE still out here, though--doing what we can.

blogging is one.

finding websites like:
and visiting them every day is another.

finding each other so we don't feel so alone is still one more.